Category Archives: Uncategorized

Generational Diversity in Education

When we think of diversity in education, do you think of the generational impacts of how people learn?

I have found that it is important to think about generational diversity in an educational setting as the age and generation that your students are from can impact how they learn.  I have facilitated some interested conversations in classrooms about the use of technology and hand held devices, for example. Interestingly, people had vastly different ideas of what was appropriate, acceptable and even useful. What might be some of the considerations when planning education for generationally diverse groups of students?

Here is an interesting article that looks at generational diversity in nursing education.

Generational Diversity: Teaching and Learning Approaches

Arts and Creativity in Education

See Ted Talk entitled “Dance versus PowerPoint, a modest proposal.” It illustrates how diverse and creatively we can educate and do presentations. It critiques the overuse of PowerPoint and elicits some great reflection about how we educate. How have you incorporated art and creativity into your education?  How have students/participants responded?  Let’s continue to push boundaries in how we educate and engage our students!

Do Schools Kill Creativity?

Check out this Ted talk.  It asks some fundamental questions about our public education systems.  Do they kill creativity?  Are they still relevant in our changing world?  Are we preparing the next generations for the challenges they will face? Or Are we preparing them for the challenges the we or past generations faced?  More importantly, what is Ken Robinson suggesting? and what does it mean for you as and educator?  I’m curious to hear your thoughts!